All Heart Families
Avery Espinoza
All Heart family, please welcome Avery!
Avery was diagnosed with a PXA grade 2 thalamic brain tumor at the age of 11. They were able to successfully remove 49% of her tumor and it was deemed benign. Once released from the hospital and inpatient physical therapy center, she celebrated her 12th birthday and began 2 oral chemos shortly after. Her chemo treatments have had to change multiple times over the years because they would stop working at a point.
Her quality of life had been good until this year. In June 2024, we discovered Avery’s tumor had spread to her lower spinal cord. Her new chemo she began in June led to an extreme loss of weight for her due to terrible nausea. In August, she was admitted with gallstones and underwent a procedure to relieve them. She was switched to a new chemo and steroids and was improving, but her pain began to get worse. During her clinic visit on 9/17/24, she was admitted to the PICU at MD Anderson. She was admitted for pain management and kidney stones. She had a stent placed on 9/18 and an ng tube as well. On 9/20 she began throwing up consistently and on 9/21 she coded 3 times and was intubated.
Over the next few days she was extubated and coded for the 4th time on 9/28. She was intubated again and now suffered from a pneumothorax as well. She has since received a tracheostomy and GJ tube and is making progress daily. She still has a long road ahead to begin radiation and relearn how to walk and use her limbs, but we believe she is a miracle and God can do all things!
This girl is a fighter and she’s so very brave!
She is the youngest of 4 children and before cancer she loved volleyball, spending time with her friends, playing with her dogs, listening to music and movie/game nights with her family.
She is known for her face making and sassy attitude.
Follow her journey here: Avery’s Fight Against Childhood Cancer
Quindarian McGuire
Quindarian has joined our family. He is a quiet little guy and loves Chucky Cheese more than just about anything.
Quindarian is the youngest of 5 children and not only has been diagnosed with brain cancer, but his family has recently lost their home due to a dangerous situation. Because of our help they have been able to now secure a safe place to live while trying to get Q healthy again. He is being treated at MD Anderson in Houston, Texas and we know he is in good hands.
Welcome to the All Heart family Quindarian!
Karter Jones
Karter is 6 years old and was diagnosed with mudullablastoma in July 2024. He is currently being treated at MD Anderson in Houston, Texas. Karter was very excited to receive his own Bible and books to read while at treatment daily.
Karter’s past few months have been extremely difficult, not only on him but his entire family. While going through treatment Karter has not lost his sweet smile! We know with the All Heart team behind him, we will pray him through the rest of treatment while keeping his spirits high and his smile bright.
Follow Karter’s journey: Karter’s Journey
Zayden Rose
This beautiful boy was diagnosed with brain cancer at 3 months old. Zayden is now a strapping 4 year old and still fighting!
Zayden is battling at MD Anderson and as always could use some more people in his corner! Don’t worry little guy… we are all here for you!
Welcome to the All Heart Family Zayden!
Arnetris Cole
Meet Arnetris!
Arnetris is 14 year old from Miami who has been fighting brain cancer since March 2023. Her tumor was found one month to the day after losing her dad to cancer. She is the youngest of 6 children.
We will be praying for her and her family as they fight through this battle. Her most recent scans showed her tumor was stable. Scans again in three months.
Welcome to the All Heart Family Arnetris!
Leighton Boynton
We had the privilege of meeting Leighton, her Mom and her Nana this week while at clinic in Knoxville. Leighton smiled, gave us “knuckles” and flirted with Brandon from afar – She didn’t like it when he got to close!
Leighton is a 15 month old that was diagnosed with a low grade glioma in December 2023 when she was just 7 months old. After almost two months of complications with her shunt surgery, she began chemo with the most wonderful team at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. She currently receives chemo in Atlanta and at ETCH.
Leighton loves music, puppies, and wearing her pearls. Her family has seen the Lord work in so many ways through their girl and the community around them. Remember to pray for Leighton every time you wear your pearls!
Welcome to the All Heart family Leighton and family. We love you and your bright smile so much already!
August Olenski
Let us introduce our first Texan to the All Heart Family, August.
August is a playful, wise kid who is over-the-moon excited to start kindergarten this fall at the same school his older brother attends (he’s spent the last three years in another school for deaf education). August loves playing with his siblings – whether it is building a city with MagnaTiles or going to the pool. He is a kind, gentle boy who has the most positive, uplifting spirit. As an example, he recently spilled soup all over the table while out at a restaurant with the family. His immediate response to the incident was, “Hey guys! Hey guys. It’s okay. We’ve got this!” His attitude is humbling and has been a major factor in his survivorship.
August is now a three-time brain cancer and stroke survivor. As a result of complications from treatment, August has been diagnosed in the past five years as clinically trach-dependent, gtube-dependent, deaf, and visually impaired. Despite those obstacles, he’s defied all odds – so you can imagine the celebration around mainstream kindergarten.
We know that August will continue to battle with that same ALL HEART mentality and warrior spirit. We are so glad to have been able to be a part of his journey and ask that you keep August and his family in your prayers.
Swayze Happney
Smiling Swayze
We were honored to get to meet this precious baby. She is a happy little thing despite everything she is going through. She smiles and absolutely lights up when her big brothers talk to her – she thinks they hung the moon.
Swayze Jane is a 13 month old baby girl who was diagnosed with a brain tumor back in March 2024. Swayze had surgery and then underwent 2 rounds of induction chemotherapy at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital in Knoxville and multiple rounds of high dose chemotherapy with stem cell transplant at Tri Star Centennial in Nashville.
Swayze is the youngest of three siblings, but is not afraid to let her big brothers know that she’s the boss! She is the smiliest little girl and loves all things pink.
Her favorite movies are The Little Mermaid and Trolls, and of course she is Ms.Rachel’s #1 fan.
Follow her – 🎀 Saving Swayze🎗️
Welcome to the All Heart Family!
Jolee Manis
Meet our new friend Jolee!
Jolee was diagnosed June 1, 2018 with medulloblastoma at the age of 2. She was transferred from ETCH to Vanderbilt due to the size of her tumor. She underwent surgery and spent three weeks recovering before inpatient chemo began. She completed three rounds of chemo before it was stopped in September due to infection. She remained inpatient until November and was finally able to go home and that’s when outpatient chemo was started. Scans in January 2019 showed disease progression so it was decided that proton radiation was needed. She did 6 weeks of radiation while getting chemo at ETCH. She was NED (No Evidence of Disease) after completion in April 2019.
Routine scans in April 2024 showed a new tumor and she underwent surgery again at the age of 8 and it was a relapse of medulloblastoma.
Jolee is the happiest girl. She loves being a big sister to Amelia, her dog Daisy and being with her family. She loves going to church, especially Sunday School where her Aunt Jess is the teacher. She loves all things Disney. She is in the second grade.
Welcome to the All Heart Family Jolee
Hensen O'Quinn
Meet our friend Hensen.
Hensen is a 3 year old little guy from Virginia who is being treated in Knoxville. He has two older sisters who love him dearly and can’t wait to come to Knoxville when school is out for the summer.
Hensen was released from the hospital after a 33 day stay. Please keep Hensen and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
Follow his journey Hope For Hensen
Frank Chupko
Meet Frank!
Frank is 16 and has recently relapsed with his brain tumor. Frank is being treated at CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) where he was told his tumor is inoperable.
Frank is the oldest of 5 children and was so excited to receive the Bible and the grant we sent. He wants to get an air conditioner for his bedroom and some new clothes.
Please join us in prayer for Frank and his battle through cancer.
Timothy Hindermyer Jr.
Meet our friend Timothy!
Timothy is being treated at CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia). He is currently undergoing both chemo treatment and proton radiation.
Timothy loves video games, legos, drawing and of course watching YouTube. Timothy is currently inpatient and could use all our love and prayers.
He is a fighter and knows our All Heart community is fighting!
Josie Vicker
We want to introduce you to Josie!
Josie is a 9 year old girl from Alabama and wise beyond her years. She is compassionate, empathetic, and has a presence about her that people say give them such a peace. She hasn’t ever complained and almost acts like she just knows this is part of her journey.
She loves to stitch and she has been an amazing artist since she was about 3 years old. She loves to sketch more than anything but is talented at anything artistic. She loves her stuffies (stuffed animals).
Before becoming sick she was an All Star cheerleader at her school and was working on her back tuck. Her goal is to start back in the next few months as well as playing softball.
She is selfless and worries more about her mom and dad than she does herself. Josie is the very definition of All Heart ❤️
Welcome to our All Heart Family Josie.
Rhonan Malpass
She was first diagnosed May 2022 just after her 16th birthday. She’s had brain surgery, radiation and is currently undergoing chemo. Rhonan is a typical 17 year old girl. Loves are current rap music, fashion, make up, warm weather, jewelry, shopping and spending time with her little sister Quinn and her pets.
She is an adventure loving girl and wise beyond her years. Rhonan likes movies and relaxing, and board games, slime and anything with fun textures. She’s polite but advocates for herself with no problem. She has a sense of humor like none other and loves to help others through their problems. She’s brutally honest and has no problem telling others whats on her mind. Shes makes everyone want to be the best version of themselves.
Rhonan says “Thank you so much for your support. I’m happy to find such amazing people in my corner.”
Welcome Rhonan to our All Heart Family
Colson Keller
Meet Colson!
Colson is 10 years old and has been battling brain cancer since he was 1 year old. Due to the location of Colson’s tumor he has very minimal eye sight, but that doesn’t change his happy disposition.
When we first met Colson he told us that he loves to sing and his favorite song to sing right now is “O Little Star of Bethlehem”. Colson is an old soul with a big heart for his family and was a joy to talk too. He told us all about making videos of himself singing and how one day he will be famous for it.
Colson is filling everyone that he meets with love and hope for the future. Welcome into the All Heart family Colson.
Kallie Reese
All Heart Team meet Kallie!
Kallie is 16 and has been a brain cancer warrior since she was 10 years old. She has the strongest spirit and softest smile. Despite all of the chemo over the past decade she is excelling in high school and as per a typical teenage girl – she can’t wait to go shopping!
Kallie is being treated at both Vanderbilt and ETCH by some of the same doctors we know. It is a small world after all. Please keep her in your prayers as she continues her battle with brain cancer.
Welcome to the All Heart Family!
Abraham Tolley
Abraham was diagnosed with a brain tumor in March 2023 from noticeable right sided weakness. He began treatment at Vanderbilt University Children’s Hospital and has since transitioned to ETCH to receive weekly chemotherapy.
Abraham loves his toys, animals and family! He is a happy little guy and has the best imagination.
A few of his favorite things are Batman, Transformers and cooking!
Welcome to the All Heart Family Abraham!
Kane Bollinger
All Heart Family meet Kane!
Kane is 4 years old and has a birthday coming up the week of Christmas. Kane’s brain tumor was found last December and he has been battling all year! Right now, Kane is off treatment and working on gaining some strength and weight back.
Kane loves to go to the park, Target, and Five Below. His drink of choice is chocolate milk and he absolutely loved his chocolate ice cream cone! We were so excited to get to talk Paw Patrol and Bluey.
Please show Kane and his family some of that All Heart love!
Nora Brannon
She turned 1 in May, not even a month after, Crossville Hosptial and Children’s Hospital diagnosed her with “bells palsy”. Steroids helped for a little bit but the 2nd round of steroids didn’t help.
Her family took her to Children’s in Knoxville, they scanned her head said she was fine. That’s when she got her 2nd dose of steroids which didn’t help. All it took was for her to have a seizure sometime in August. She had surgery in September.
Then her tumor came back and they started chemo in October 3rd. Chemo is ending the last Thursday of April in the clinic! Then probably radiation.
Nora unfortunately passed away on November 17, 2023 but our hearts are always with Nora and her beautiful family.
Matthew Hart
Matthew is 11 years old and has been beating brain cancer since he was 2! He lives in Georgia with his mom, dad, brother, and sister.
Matthew loves trains, black holes (like outer space), and making his Yummy Jars!
Matthew has a huge sweet tooth and him smiling when he ordered a cinnamon roll cake was one of our favorite moments!
To follow Matthew check out: Yummy Jars for Matthew
Isaiah Deal
He lives in Farmington, New Mexico and we connected with him from Knoxville, Tennessee! It really is a small world.
Isaiah was diagnosed at age 6 with a brain tumor in the middle of his brain stem. He’s had 3 brain biopsy surgeries, but the surgeons were unable to debulk any of the tumor. He underwent weekly chemo for 1 year. The chemotherapy unfortunately was a fail. He is now in a drug trial that will hopefully keep his tumor stalled. Isaiah is helping cure brain cancer in other children by being in this drug trial at St. Jude’s.
Isaiah is almost 9 and loves music, especially Elvis! He tries to visit Graceland each time the family travels to St. Jude. Isaiah is a master of jokes and always has a smile on for everyone he sees. In spite of only attending 80 days of school last year, he excelled and is in the gifted and talented program in 3rd grade.
Isaiah always has a joke to brighten your day:
What does a snow man eat for breakfast?
Frosted flakes!
Follow his journey Isaiah’s cancer fight and keep him and his family in your prayers.
Jayla Cantrell
Allow us to introduce you to Jayla!
Jayla turned 3 in June and was diagnosed with a brain tumor in July 2023.
Jayla loves Play-Doh and cooking in her play kitchen. She also loves Barbie, Cocomelon, and Bluey. Jayla, the baby of the family, has a big brother and a big sister who love her so much.
This precious family from Knoxville is planning on spending the rest of the year in Nashville for stem cell treatments and a trial chemo. Please be in prayer for them as they undergo this trying process.
Hayley Geren
Hayley is 15 and is undergoing treatment now. She in fact received chemo today and was still happy and gracious to meet us at the park. Hayley wants to be a 4th or 5th grade teacher when she grows up. She and London became fast friends. Hayley is a beautiful example of being a warrior and fighting her battle with the “All Heart” mentality.
Thank you to our All Heart Family that has made it possible for us to help families like this. We couldn’t do this without all your love and support.
Tillery Phillips
Tillery and her family have been fighting brain cancer since she was 15 months old. This brave little warrior has now been fighting for 8 years!
Because of the success of our All Heart Prom this past April we were able to give Tillery and her family a donation yesterday while she was busy raising money for Alex’s Lemonade Stand. Tillery was a perfect host and brought us all an ice cold lemonade complete with a lemon slice on the cup!
Once you are in the pediatric cancer world, the world becomes very small and the smallest acts of kindness and love mean the most. In this world, everyone is battling, everyone is raw, and being able to give truly is the greatest gift. Gunner was smiling as we were all loving and bonding with each other yesterday.
Please follow her incredible fight on her page Tillery is Loved.
AJ Cucksey
AJ is 12 years old and is battling brain cancer, again. AJ has an older brother and little sister and when he talks about them he lights up. He loves football and was able to play for his middle school team this past fall.
He is starting a new treatment this week and the plan is to do this treatment is for 42 weeks. It is a long road and we are so happy to connect with them and introduce him and his family to all our prayer warriors.
Please follow his story at Prayers for AJ Cucksey.
Wyatt Crippen
We were honored to meet Wyatt and his mom, Kristi Hardin Crippen, and share some of the All Heart Gunner love. It means so much during the week of Christmas to give, to love, and to cover this boy and his family in prayer.
Wyatt is 18 years old and was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 7. Wyatt loves old cars and wants to buy one to fix up. He loves music and his favorite band is Metallica. He is a senior this year and is excited to graduate, but is somewhat reluctant about becoming an adult. (We can’t say we blame him!)
Welcome to the All Heart Family!
June Lanham
It was a year ago today Gunner left us. Thanks to the All Heart Gunner Foundation and most especially, the ones who came and supported the All Heart Prom! We were honored to get to help a family in the same battle against brain cancer.
Please meet the first child we have been able to make a donation to, June.
June is 6 years old and was first diagnosed February 2020. June is the middle child in her family, she has an older sister and younger brother. June loves music, her favorite singer is Elvis, and her favorite song is Teddy Bear. She just graduated Kindergarten and loved school.
Please follow June on her page June’s Fight to keep updated.
There is absolutely nothing more beautiful than getting to share Gunner and the All Heart family with someone new. We know Gunner would be so proud to help and would’ve loved to be here focused on others walking in this pediatric brain cancer world.
Welcome to the All Heart Family June!
Thank you all so much to the All Heart Family for making this donation possible.
All our love
Brandon, Brittany, London and Gracelyn